Help us grow!

Support Us. Support Artists.

Plague Mask Players, Co. is a 501(c)(3) organization and your gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

We will continue to combine live performance and technology in innovative ways, continue our online readings series, and further pour into the development and growth of artists by providing educational offerings and a network of support. If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, we need your help to realize that dream! By donating you will be playing an instrumental role in building a better community for artists in DFW. Your donation will pay for renting rehearsal and performance venues, costumes, sets, props, lighting and sound equipment, scripts, as well as other operational expenses. To get involved, please give today to support the arts and help make our dream a reality! To further support us and keep up with our journey, follow us on Facebook and Instagram and find free full readings by following us on Youtube . We are so excited about the bright future in store for Plague Mask Players, and hope that you'll join us in making it happen!

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